Selasa, 19 April 2011

Linus Torvalds ---> penemu LinuX

Linus Benedict Torvalds (lahir di Helsinki, Finlandia, 28 Desember 1969; umur 41 tahun) adalah rekayasawan perangkat lunak Finlandia yang dikenal sebagai perintis pengembangan Kernel Linux. Ia sekarang bertindak sebagai koordinator proyek tersebut.
Linux terinsipirasi oleh Minix (suatu sistem operasi yang dikembangkan oleh Andrew S. Tanenbaum) untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem operasi mirip-Unix (Unix-like) yang dapat dijalankan pada suatu PC. Linux sekarang dapat dijalankan pada berbagai arsitektur lain.
Ketika Linus Torvalds, seorang mahasiswa Finlandia pendiam membagi-bagikan kode sumber (source code) kernel Linux seukuran disket via internet di tahun 1991, ia sama sekali tidak menduga bahwa apa yang dimulainya melahirkan sebuah bisnis bernilai milyaran dolar di kemudian hari.
Ia bahkan tidak menduga Linux kemudian menjadi sistem operasi paling menjanjikan, yang bisa dibenamkan ke dalam server, komputer desktop, tablet PC, PDA, handphone, GPS, robot, mobil hingga pesawat ulang alik buatan NASA.
Tidak hanya itu, banyak maniak Linux (Linuxer) yang membeli perangkat buatan Apple dan mengganti sistem operasinya dengan Linux. Bagi saya itu sedikit gila, mengingat menghapus sistem operasi Mac & iPod berarti membuang duit dan menggantinya sistem operasinya cukup sulit dibanding desktop berbasis Windows. Saat ini 20% pangsa pasar desktop di seluruh dunia menggunakan Linux jauh di atas Machintosh dan terus mengejar desktop Windows. Dan 12,7% server di seluruh dunia menggunakan Linux, jauh di atas UNIX, BSD, Solaris, dan terus meningkat menggerus pangsa pasar server Microsoft.
Saat ini Linus meninggalkan posisi menjanjikan di perusahaan semi konduktor Transmeta dan tinggal bersama istri dan 3 anaknya di sebuah bukit di desa di Portland, Oregon, USA, berdekatan dengan markas Open Source Development Labs. Organisasi nirlaba ini diawaki oleh 20-an programmer yang punya gairah hampir sama dengan Linus. Mereka terus mengembangkan kernel Linux yang kini berukuran 290-an MegaBytes atau melebihi 9 milyar baris kode. Linux beserta timnya menerima masukan baris-baris kode dari seluruh penjuru dunia, menyortir, menetapkan skala prioritas dan memasukkan gagasan paling brilian ke dalam kernel. LSD sendiri disokong oleh puluhan raksasa IT seperti IBM, HP, Dell dan Sun, baik dari sisi materi maupun sumber daya manusia.
Linus bukan orang pertama yang membagi-bagikan source code karena pola ini adalah hal yang biasa di masa awal tumbuhnya industri komputer. Tapi Linus sukses menetapkan standar yang memaksa banyak pengembang ikut membebaskan kode sumber program mereka, mulai dari BSD, Solaris, Suse, Java hingga Adobe.
Meski hanya bergaji ratusan ribu dolar pertahun, Linus telah menciptakan banyak multimilyuner dalam industri komputer mulai dari RedHat, Suse, Debian, Mandriva, Ubuntu dan banyak developer software open source lainnya. Hampir tak ada yang berubah dari Linus. Ketika ia datang terlambat di suatu konferensi IT, ia bahkan tak segan-segan duduk di lantai dengan celana pendek dan sepatu-sandal kesukaannya. Ia bahkan tidak marah tatkala memberikan pidato di mimbar dan diinterupsi oleh beberapa programmer BSD yang maju ke depan panggung yang mengklaim bahwa kernel BSD jauh lebih hebat ketimbang kernel Linux. Ia bahkan tidak segan-segan memakai T-Shirt BSD yang disodorkan pemrotes dan melanjutkan pidatonya.
Menurut Linus, apa yang dilakukannya hanyalah untuk berbagi. Berbeda dengan Richard M Stallman yang fanatik dengan konsep free software, Linus hanya menekankan sisi keterbukaan (open), tak peduli apakah kemudian dalam suatu sistem operasi bercampur program free dan proprietery.
Setiap kata-kata Linus hampir menjadi sabda di kalangan Linuxer yang menciptakan standar nilai tertentu. Setiap publikasi, pidato, email dab press releasenya selalu ditunggu-tunggu jutaan orang. Di sela kesibukannya, Linus menyempatkan diri bersepeda menuruni bukit dan minum di bar desa. Bila ada nabi dalam dunia komputer, bisa dipastikan itu Linus (dan Steve Wozniak). Dan setannya tentu Bill Gates :)

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Seorang Penyembuh -------> Vivien Thomas

The bank crash of 1930 wiped out a young man's entire savings, destroying his dream of going to medical school. But, this didn't stop him from going on to revolutionize the medical profession. That man was Vivien Thomas, an aspiring physician. His lack of funds forced him to drop out of college and, with work hard to come by amidst the Great Depression, he took a job sweeping floors at Vanderbilt University. There, Dr. Alfred Blalock took notice of this African American janitor and realized he had great potential to be so much more. Blalock hired Thomas as his surgical assistant. This began a decades-long association, during which the pair became a creative and formidable force in the new "golden age" of heart surgery.
            Thomas was a quick study, with particularly skilful hands. He worked diligently and learned to perform surgical operations, chemical reaction procedures and data analysis with precision. His quiet dedication to Blalock and the experiments was invaluable. When Blalock moved to Johns Hopkins in 1941, he asked Thomas to accompany him. Thomas joined Blalock's surgical team and helped to develop the "Blue Baby" operation, also known as the Blalock-Taussig shunt. Blue Baby (Tetralogy of Fallot) is a congenital defect involving multiple abnormalities of the heart. The condition causes blood to be diverted past the lungs, resulting in a lack of vital oxygen being transported throughout the body. It's this oxygen deprivation that causes the infant's bluish color (cyanosis) and gives the syndrome its name. Before Thomas and Blalock developed the Blue Baby operation, 25 percent of babies born with this condition died before their first birthday-by the age of ten, 70 percent would die. The procedure to correct Blue Baby was painstakingly worked out by Thomas over a two-year period. Ultimately, he joined an artery leaving the heart to an artery leading back to the lungs. This gave the blood a second opportunity to absorb the critical oxygen and transport it throughout the body. Delicate instruments were needed to perform the corrective heart surgery on their tiny newborn patients. Since no such instruments then existed, Thomas designed and built them himself.
            The first operation was performed on November 29, 1944. When the baby's blue face turned pink from the now oxygenated blood, Thomas was elated. He later said, "You have never seen anything so dramatic. It was almost a miracle." The promise the procedure held was quickly recognized and, within the first year, more than 200 operations were performed. Since the 1940s, countless patients have benefited from Thomas and Blalock remarkable discovery. In addition to treating Blue Baby, this technique was also adapted to treat patients with a variety of other heart diseases.
            Dr. Levi Watkin, of Johns Hopkins University, described Thomas as, "the most un-talked about, unappreciated, unknown giant in the African American community. What he helped facilitate impacted people all over the world." Recently, Vivien Thomas' fascinating story has been the inspiration for the PBS documentary, "Partners of The Heart" and the HBO film, "Something The Lord Made." Though Thomas' intelligence, dexterity and determination were critical to Blalock's success, it was over 25 years before he was given proper public credit for his role in devising the Blue Baby surgery. In 1976, The Johns Hopkins University awarded him an honorary doctorate. Today, his portrait hangs in the lobby of the Blalock Building on The Johns Hopkins Hospital campus.